Other attacks

class foolbox.v1.attacks.BinarizationRefinementAttack(model=None, criterion=<foolbox.criteria.Misclassification object>, distance=<class 'foolbox.distances.MeanSquaredDistance'>, threshold=None)[source]

For models that preprocess their inputs by binarizing the inputs, this attack can improve adversarials found by other attacks. It does os by utilizing information about the binarization and mapping values to the corresponding value in the clean input or to the right side of the threshold.

__call__(self, input_or_adv, label=None, unpack=True, starting_point=None, threshold=None, included_in='upper')[source]

For models that preprocess their inputs by binarizing the inputs, this attack can improve adversarials found by other attacks. It does os by utilizing information about the binarization and mapping values to the corresponding value in the clean input or to the right side of the threshold.

input_or_adv : numpy.ndarray or Adversarial

The original, unperturbed input as a numpy.ndarray or an Adversarial instance.

label : int

The reference label of the original input. Must be passed if a is a numpy.ndarray, must not be passed if a is an Adversarial instance.

unpack : bool

If true, returns the adversarial input, otherwise returns the Adversarial object.

starting_point : numpy.ndarray

Adversarial input to use as a starting point.

threshold : float

The treshold used by the models binarization. If none, defaults to (model.bounds()[1] - model.bounds()[0]) / 2.

included_in : str

Whether the threshold value itself belongs to the lower or upper interval.

class foolbox.v1.attacks.PrecomputedAdversarialsAttack(inputs, outputs, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Attacks a model using precomputed adversarial candidates.

inputs : numpy.ndarray

The original inputs that will be expected by this attack.

outputs : numpy.ndarray

The adversarial candidates corresponding to the inputs.

*args : positional args

Poistional args passed to the Attack base class.

**kwargs : keyword args

Keyword args passed to the Attack base class.

__call__(self, input_or_adv, label=None, unpack=True)[source]

Attacks a model using precomputed adversarial candidates.

input_or_adv : numpy.ndarray or Adversarial

The original, unperturbed input as a numpy.ndarray or an Adversarial instance.

label : int

The reference label of the original input. Must be passed if a is a numpy.ndarray, must not be passed if a is an Adversarial instance.

unpack : bool

If true, returns the adversarial input, otherwise returns the Adversarial object.

__init__(self, inputs, outputs, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.