Score-based attacks

class foolbox.attacks.SinglePixelAttack(model=None, criterion=<foolbox.criteria.Misclassification object>, distance=<class 'foolbox.distances.MeanSquaredDistance'>, threshold=None)[source]

Perturbs just a single pixel and sets it to the min or max.

as_generator(self, a, max_pixels=1000)[source]

Perturbs just a single pixel and sets it to the min or max.

input_or_adv : numpy.ndarray or Adversarial

The original, correctly classified input. If it is a numpy array, label must be passed as well. If it is an Adversarial instance, label must not be passed.

label : int

The reference label of the original input. Must be passed if input is a numpy array, must not be passed if input is an Adversarial instance.

unpack : bool

If true, returns the adversarial input, otherwise returns the Adversarial object.

max_pixels : int

Maximum number of pixels to try.

class foolbox.attacks.LocalSearchAttack(model=None, criterion=<foolbox.criteria.Misclassification object>, distance=<class 'foolbox.distances.MeanSquaredDistance'>, threshold=None)[source]

A black-box attack based on the idea of greedy local search.

This implementation is based on the algorithm in [Rb320cee6998a-1].


[Rb320cee6998a-1]Nina Narodytska, Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan, “Simple Black-Box Adversarial Perturbations for Deep Networks”,
as_generator(self, a, r=1.5, p=10.0, d=5, t=5, R=150)[source]

A black-box attack based on the idea of greedy local search.

input_or_adv : numpy.ndarray or Adversarial

The original, correctly classified input. If it is a numpy array, label must be passed as well. If it is an Adversarial instance, label must not be passed.

label : int

The reference label of the original input. Must be passed if input is a numpy array, must not be passed if input is an Adversarial instance.

unpack : bool

If true, returns the adversarial input, otherwise returns the Adversarial object.

r : float

Perturbation parameter that controls the cyclic perturbation; must be in [0, 2]

p : float

Perturbation parameter that controls the pixel sensitivity estimation

d : int

The half side length of the neighborhood square

t : int

The number of pixels perturbed at each round

R : int

An upper bound on the number of iterations