
Gradient-based attacks

GradientAttack Perturbs the image with the gradient of the loss w.r.t.
GradientSignAttack Adds the sign of the gradient to the image, gradually increasing the magnitude until the image is misclassified.
FGSM alias of foolbox.attacks.gradient.GradientSignAttack
LinfinityBasicIterativeAttack The Basic Iterative Method introduced in [R37dbc8f24aee-1].
BasicIterativeMethod alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.LinfinityBasicIterativeAttack
BIM alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.LinfinityBasicIterativeAttack
L1BasicIterativeAttack Modified version of the Basic Iterative Method that minimizes the L1 distance.
L2BasicIterativeAttack Modified version of the Basic Iterative Method that minimizes the L2 distance.
ProjectedGradientDescentAttack The Projected Gradient Descent Attack introduced in [R367e8e10528a-1] without random start.
ProjectedGradientDescent alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.ProjectedGradientDescentAttack
PGD alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.ProjectedGradientDescentAttack
RandomStartProjectedGradientDescentAttack The Projected Gradient Descent Attack introduced in [Re6066bc39e14-1] with random start.
RandomProjectedGradientDescent alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.RandomStartProjectedGradientDescentAttack
RandomPGD alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.RandomStartProjectedGradientDescentAttack
MomentumIterativeAttack The Momentum Iterative Method attack introduced in [R86d363e1fb2f-1].
MomentumIterativeMethod alias of foolbox.attacks.iterative_projected_gradient.MomentumIterativeAttack
LBFGSAttack Uses L-BFGS-B to minimize the distance between the image and the adversarial as well as the cross-entropy between the predictions for the adversarial and the the one-hot encoded target class.
DeepFoolAttack Simple and close to optimal gradient-based adversarial attack.
NewtonFoolAttack Implements the NewtonFool Attack.
ADefAttack Adversarial attack that distorts the image, i.e.
SLSQPAttack Uses SLSQP to minimize the distance between the image and the adversarial under the constraint that the image is adversarial.
SaliencyMapAttack Implements the Saliency Map Attack.
IterativeGradientAttack Like GradientAttack but with several steps for each epsilon.
IterativeGradientSignAttack Like GradientSignAttack but with several steps for each epsilon.
CarliniWagnerL2Attack The L2 version of the Carlini & Wagner attack.

Score-based attacks

SinglePixelAttack Perturbs just a single pixel and sets it to the min or max.
LocalSearchAttack A black-box attack based on the idea of greedy local search.
ApproximateLBFGSAttack Same as LBFGSAttack with approximate_gradient set to True.

Decision-based attacks

BoundaryAttack A powerful adversarial attack that requires neither gradients nor probabilities.
SpatialAttack Adversarially chosen rotations and translations [1].
PointwiseAttack Starts with an adversarial and performs a binary search between the adversarial and the original for each dimension of the input individually.
GaussianBlurAttack Blurs the image until it is misclassified.
ContrastReductionAttack Reduces the contrast of the image until it is misclassified.
AdditiveUniformNoiseAttack Adds uniform noise to the image, gradually increasing the standard deviation until the image is misclassified.
AdditiveGaussianNoiseAttack Adds Gaussian noise to the image, gradually increasing the standard deviation until the image is misclassified.
SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack Increases the amount of salt and pepper noise until the image is misclassified.
BlendedUniformNoiseAttack Blends the image with a uniform noise image until it is misclassified.

Other attacks

BinarizationRefinementAttack For models that preprocess their inputs by binarizing the inputs, this attack can improve adversarials found by other attacks.
PrecomputedImagesAttack Attacks a model using precomputed adversarial candidates.